显示 17-32 个结果(共 45 个结果)
松鹤燕窝泡参虫草鸡精 6x70ml
$18.00 阅读更多燕窩泡参蟲草雞精以傳统配方及先進科技, 以提取其精华火燉製而成。此雞精不含脂肪, 胆固醇, 防腐劑或刺激性物質。
梅花天麻杜仲巴战虫草补腰精 750ml
$43.00Traditionally used for relieving waist-ache, backache, physical weakness and improve health.
$19.00 阅读更多仲虫草首乌精乃是采用何首乌为主要成份, 并配以杜仲、虫草及多种珍贵滋补药材, 用新法提炼而成。品质上乘, 气味芬芳, 为男女老幼经常服用补身佳品。
$20.00 阅读更多用于促进血液循环, 增进食欲, 产后调养, 促进健康。
梅花虫草巴戟补腰精 6x85ml
$20.00梅花虫草巴戟补腰精具有增强精力和体力, 常用令你容光焕发, 精力充沛, 精神奕奕;并有驱风逐寒、舒筋活络、增强体质等作用, 平素对于腰部运动或体力劳作, 腰力消耗过多者, 或病后、产后气血两虚、腰腿无力者, 服用本产品足以让您得到充分的补充。
汇集热性风膏 28g
$3.30肩膀酸痛, 腰痛, 肚痛, 头痛, 关节痛, 神经性疼痛, 一般运动激烈引起之肌肉酸痛, 蚊虫叮咬及皮肤发痒
汇集补腰精 700ml
$54.90 Brand: Huiji纯中药制剂、无已知副作用。
玛黛茶 30×2.5g
$22.00 阅读更多Promote: bowel regularity & energy
Relax: Body and mind
Support: Healthy immune system & complexion and
Improve: general well being -
白兰氏冰糖燕窝 7x68ml
$49.90 阅读更多 Brand: Brand's- Ideal for beauty seekers who wish to maintain skin radiance and good health at the same time
- Helps cleanse lungs and regulates the respiratory system (ideal for smokers and those prone to respiratory problems, coughs and colds.)
- Provides a gentle cooling effect to reduce “heatiness”
白兰氏无糖燕窝 7x68ml
$50.00 Brand: Brand's- Helps cleanse lungs and regulates the respiratory system (ideal for smokers and those prone to respiratory problems, coughs and colds.)
- Gives radiance to the skin for better complexion
- Provides a gentle cooling effect to reduce “heatiness”
白兰氏虫草鸡精 7X68ml
$24.00 Brand: Brand's- Ideal for busy working professionals who suffer from fatigue and illness
- Promotes stamina, overall well-being and benefits respiratory system by increasing vital energy
- Strengthens the function of lungs, kidneys and liver
白兰氏鸡精 8X68ml
$21.00 Brand: Brand'sNo Fats, No Cholesterol, No added Salt, No Preservatives. Take it Daily, Anytime, Anywhere as Part of a Balanced Diet.
红日煎茶 2gx50g
红日糖降茶 2gx20 x 2盒
红日牌糖降茶含有人体必需的多种微量元素, 与胰岛素的作用有着密切关系。
绿叶 骨碎补颗粒
$13.00 Brand: Nature's Green补肾强骨,续伤止痛