10 in stock

Action & Indications :
Ventilate the lung to arrest cough, clear away heat and dispense dampness, remove toxic substances and expel pathogenic evil. Help to relieve symptoms such as fatigue, fever, cough, sore throat and poor appetite.
Dosage :
For Oral Administration, take 5g with warm water, once daily.
Side Effects :
May cause dizziness, headaches, poor appetite, insomnia, irregular or fast heartbeat and rise in blood pressure.
Contraindications :
Avoid smoking, alcohol and spicy, cold or greasy food. Patients with fever and body temperature exceeding 38.5℃ should go to the hospital. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation and individuals with heart diseases, hypertension, glaucoma, diabetes and thyroid diseases. Avoid prolonged use. Contraindicated in individuals with weak constituents, spontaneous perspiration, night sweat or dyspnea of asthenia type. Contraindicated in individuals with liver and kidney impairment. If the symptoms are not improving, please consult a doctor.
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