Centrum® Advance Keep your energy level up even after a big meal.
18 in stock
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Centrum® Advance Keep your energy level up even after a big meal. Centrum® Advance contains B vitamins to support the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins for energy. It packed with essential vitamins and minerals to support healthy brain. Vitamins A, C, E, Selenium and Zinc help support a healthy immunity. It contains Lutein, an antioxidant to help maintain healthy eyes from the damaging effects of free radicals.With Lycopene, Vitamin B and Folic Acid to support optimal heart health.Vitamin K supports bone health.
Take one tablet with water after food daily.
- Lutein 500 mcg
- Iron 5 mg
- Lycopene 600 mcg
- Potassium 80 mg
- Pantothenic Acid 10 mg
- Vitamin A 4000 IU
- Calcium 200 mg
- Vitamin D3 600 IU
- Phosphorus 50 mg
- Vitamin B1 2.18 mg
- Chromium 35 mcg
- Vitamin B2 3.2 mg
- Copper 0.5 mg
- Vitamin B6 6 mg
- Iodine 150 mcg
- Vitamin B12 22 mcg
- Manganese 3.5 mg
- Vitamin C 90 mg
- Magnesium 50 mg
- Vitamin E 50 IU
- Niacinamide 15 mg
- Vitamin K1 25 mcg
- Selenium 55 mcg
- Folic Acid 400 mcg
- Zinc 7.5 mg
- Biotin 45 mcg
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