For the first time, use a small amount. Use more if needed. To much adhesive can cause oozing; apply less next time if this occurs. It may take a few tries to find the right amount for your denture. Apply once a day for secure hold. If you need to apply more than once a day , seek advise from your dental care professional.
Clean and dry dentures
Apply Polident in short strips as shown in diagram, not too close to dentures edges
Rinse mouth before inserting dentures
Press dentures into place, hold firmly, and bite down for a few seconds to secure hold.
Swish mouth with warm water
Slowly remove dentures using rocking motion
Remove adhesive residue from denture and mouth with warm water and a soft brush
Use Polident Denture Cleanser to thoroughly clean your denture and then rinse with water.
Poly ( Methylvinylether/Maleic acid) Sodium-Calcium Mixed Partial Salt
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